Why Use Our Boxes?

is practical,
So tear into them and see glued – uncrushed – flute profiles for extra box strength!

TCC Corrugated Boxes are stronger, lighter, and can even be water resistant

Our enhanced combinations of containerboard grades and flute profiles, combined with the latest production technology, offer unlimited possibilities in design, quality and box strength which save money.
Quality Flutes
make Superior Boxes

Importance of Stacking Strength of Boxes

As unitized carrier loading and warehousing have proliferated, stacking strength has become a more important factor than burst strength. A drive along any commercial corridor shows why. Major retailers, grocery chains, Amazon, and suppliers that serve them, rely on central distribution warehouses for efficient inventory and delivery of goods. These warehouses make the most efficient use of space through vertical stacking of product, so our stacking strength is an increasingly important performance requirement.

Chasing Box Quality Savings